Lesson- Two Evolution of Computer Exercise


Q. Who is known as father of computer science and why?
Ans: Charles Babbage used the concept of Input, Output, Processing, and Storage in his analytical engine. Which is the model of today's computer. Since he was the first person who gave us basic ideas of the computer. That's why he is known as the 'father of computer science'.

2. Write very short answer of the following questions.
a) Which was the first microprocessor?
    Ans: Intel 4004 was the first microprocessor.

b) Write the name of inventors of Napier's bone?
    Ans: The inventors of Napier's bone is Scotland Mathematician John Napier.

c) Which technology was used in second-generation computers?
    Ans: Vacuum tube was used in second-generation computers.

d) Which was the first commercial computer?
    Ans: UNIVAC-I 

e) Who is considered as the first computer programmer?
    Ans: Lady Augusta ADA Lovelace

f) Who invented vacuum tube?
    Ans: Lee De Forest invented the vacuum tube.

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